
My little Nicole is unique.  The first comment I always get is about how her is that her 9.7.08 Nicole (6)-1 coloring is so much darker than my other two.  One day I was sitting in my rocking chair holding Nicole and Isaac said "Mom, Nicole is brown!"  I don’t really notice a difference most of the time because I’m so used to looking at her.  

She’s the only one of the three who I didn’t have to kick out with drugs (I was induced for Isaac and Charlotte, but Nicole came several weeks early), she’s a fountain of spit-up (my other two spit-up a few times a week–Nicole spits up a few times an hour), and I think she cries more than the others (she has these inconsolable crying fits).  On a typical day she took two half hour naps, ate every two hours, and could only tolerate not being held for five minute increments before she would start crying.  She’s gotten a little better about allowing me to put her down the last few days, but she’s traded that for keeping me up more at night.

9.7.08 Nicole (8)-1 I was prepared to wait it all out and hope that before long she’d keep food down, cry less and sleep more, but other family members convinced me to seek some medical advise.  I don’t know why I’m so reluctant sometimes, maybe I’m afraid to get my hopes up that things could actually be easier.  As it is I’m tired all the time and I don’t have as much one-on-one time with my other kids as I’d like, and I never have enough time to accomplish much beyond keeping the house mostly clean.  So I took her to my most trusted physician in Spanish Fork.  He gave her a thorough exam and listened to my description of concerns and  prescribed some Zantac for a possible acid reflux problem.  He says it may take two weeks to show any results, but if she gets worse  or it doesn’t help after that I should call him and set up another appointment.

Sorry this blog is so dull, hopefully I’ll write a celebration blog in a few weeks to exclaim my excitement at how much happier my littlest girl is.

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