On a Typical Night. .

you might see a scene like this if you checked on the children after bedtime:2.11.10 bedtime (1) Isaac will likely be found surrounded by non-fiction books.  He often has one propped up or will fall asleep with his finger in one.  The globe is not atypical.  He loves to study maps and other such things as he lays in bed (or when he’s on a road trip).  He’s also a little heater so he’s often sweaty.2.11.10 bedtime Charlotte typically sleeps with a doll or water bottle and sometimes both.  I have to admit that the light saber is not typical, but I took this picture on the same night as the other.2.11.10 bedtime (2) Nicole will likely be fully away sitting up in her bed singing or talking for hours after you put her to bed.  She generally doesn’t cry much if at all when she is put to bed, but it’s not uncommon to still hear her awake as much as two hours after putting her to bed.

2.18.10 Ila (11)

Ila is still establishing her sleeping pattern.  At two months old, she doesn’t usually settle down until about 11:00 (which is much better than last week when she didn’t settle down till 1 or 2 each night).  She can be a little fussy in the evening which is fairly typical for her age, but once she settles down she usually only wakes once to eat before my alarm goes off at 6:30AM.


  • Sarah

    That is adorable! I like that Nicole is wide awake. She is so cute, but that’s natural with your kids. I can’t wait to meet her and Ila and play with your children. I love how their personalities are expressed in their mid-night photos.

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