Grandma O’Bryant’s house Then and Now

I’ve wanted to go see my grandmother’s house since moving to Knoxville a few months ago, but I didn’t want to go alone so I waited until my sister Krista could come with me.

This is what the house used to look like and except for the fact that there were a lot more trees and other plants and a birdbath in the front yard, this is pretty much how I remember it looking

Grandma's house

Here’s the picture of what it looks like now

1.14.10 Grandma O'Bryant's house (2)The lady who lives there now was very kind and talked to us at length about the changes they had made and apologized for the roses and other things that didn’t survive.  It’s strange that she’s been there for ten years already because in my mind that house has always been my grandmother’s house and for some reason I had it in my head that she had just moved in.