Tag Archives: 5

Charlotte’s 5th Birthday

I usually get really excited for my children’s birthdays, but sadly, this move put a damper on everything.  I did my best to make her birthday special.  I took a break from trying to pack and tried to find ways to spend time with her during the day. 

School was cancelled for bad weather, so Isaac was home all day with us.  He wanted to start teaching Charlotte school things since she was turning 5.  He started making worksheets for her as soon as he woke up and then helped her work on them.12.14.10 Charlotte's 5th Birthday (3)When Ila went down for a nap, we made chocolate ganache for her cupcakes.  12.14.10 Charlotte's 5th Birthday (6)After frosting the cupcakes, we used the leftover ganache to make a graham cracker/banana/ganache birthday treat.12.14.10 Charlotte's 5th Birthday (8)We blew up 5 pink helium balloons with our helium tank.  12.14.10 Charlotte's 5th BirthdayI tried to spend time with her as much as I could during the day.  In the evening we had the dinner of her choice (pasta) and cupcakes.12.14.10 Charlotte's 5th Birthday (33)She also opened her presents. 12.14.10 Charlotte's 5th Birthday (15)The following Saturday we had a little party for her with friends from her primary class and her second cousin Jackson. 12.18.10 Charlotte's 5th birthday party (32) They played games, had a snack, played with dress-ups, opened presents, and had cupcakes.12.18.10 Charlotte's 5th birthday party (13)

Happy Birthday Charlotte Rose!

Today Isaac was building Lego creations and wrapping them in paper11.27.10 Sunsphere adventure (100) for Charlotte’s birthday tomorrow.  He said “I love Charlotte more than anyone else because I made her the most presents.  I love her more than Grandma Bunny, Grandpa Bird,  uncle Bryan, Grandma Cochran, Grandpa Cochran, . . “

I thought that was sweet.  Isaac and Charlotte are the best of friends.

Ila seems to really like Charlotte, too.  They are roommates and Charlotte is a good big sister to Ila.  She likes to try to sing to her and comfort her sometimes at night when she cries.  Here is a video of Charlotte making Ila laugh:

I am exhausted right now, but I expect to write more about Charlotte soon.

I love you Charlotte!