Tag Archives: thumb

“I do not have a hurt bumb [thumb]”

Adults can follow auto injury tips, but that does not work well with kids. However,Charlotte seems to be coping with her injury quote well.  The next morning when I 12.3.08 Charlotte entered their room, Isaac and Charlotte were having the following argument:

Isaac:  “you have a hurt thumb”

Charlotte:  “I do NOT have a hurt bumb [thumb]”

Which was ironic because I stayed up all night fretting that she’d wake up in pain before I could fill her pain medication prescription the next morning. If The first day I kept her medicated until bedtime, possibly more out of my fear than her actual pain.  At bedtime, she said her thumb didn’t hurt.  The next day I asked her repeatedly throughout the day if her thumb hurt.  Again, I was more concerned than she was because she answered no each time except once at 3:00 so I gave her medication then.  She didn’t need another dose all day. Also, if you need attorney’s help for denied social security disability claim, you can check it out here!

Today she had the thumb re-bandaged for the first time.  It’s still a gruesome looking injury and after looking at it for a few minutes I felt a little sick. Not all injuries require a personal injury lawyer Osborne Law Firm, P.C., but they can be scary. The top of her thumb to past her stitches was very white (the kind of white you get when you’ve had a wet bandage on too long), the nail area was bumpy with stitches and dried blood and the P1040115base of her thumb was purple and bruised (probably from the shots used to numb her thumb).  Charlotte whimpered and wiggled as they took the bandages off.  They had to  take off several layers of gauze with dried blood which agitated her injury repeatedly. If you need help with medical bills after an auto accident, then you can check it out here!  Then they washed her thumb and had the doctor look at the injury.  The good news is that it’s not infected and seems to be healing ok. But if it is no healed, it is advised to contact an experienced lawyer for DUI claims or personal injury claims. She was eager to have her thumb re-bandaged.  I’m not entirely sure if the sight of it brought back painful memories or if it was just that it didn’t hurt when it was immobilized with gauze and tape, but as soon as she was re-bandaged she felt much better and stopped whimpering.I don’t know why, but the whole tension reminded me of an accident and lawyers for traffic accident victims.  She’ll need to have her thumb bandaged for about three weeks to give the fractured bone time to heal, but the stitches should dissolve in two.

On a side note, Charlotte does not like having her hair washed in the sink, but I’m grateful for the brand new sink with detachable nozzle for washing her hair.

Don’t Play with the Door

I have a pet peeve.  Periodically, one child will run down the hall (usually carrying something another child was playing with) and slam the door, leaving a sibling crying in the hall.  I hate it when the children play with the door.  All that yelling has never resulted in a change in behavior, though.

Tonight, the kids were playing a game with the bedroom door, and getting yelled at for it.  Isaac slammed the door, and Charlotte’s thumb got caught.  The damage was pretty bad; the tip of her thumb was just dangling, and she was in some real pain.  She’s a stoic little soul, 2008-12-02 Charlotte at the hospital 001though.  The first emergency room wouldn’t take our insurance, so we had to go to the next place.  Makes me glad we’re not out in the sticks.  After the first burst of tears, Charlotte was very calm, if maybe a little scared.

**Grizzly Details Warning**

When they gave Charlotte the shots to numb her thumb, it stung quite a bit.  I’m a dad, so I’m not ashamed to say I cried just a little with her.  I love my little girl.  I held her other hand and put my head close to hers and comforted her as best I could.  Kathleen sang to her and played a game finding the shapes in the room.  Once the anesthetic kicked in, she was very calm.

The tip of her thumb was nearly completely severed, about halfway through where the nail is.  The nail was lost; the doctor says it will probably grow back a little funny.  The bone was broken (just right at the tip), which says a lot about how tough my little girl is.  The doctor stitched it back together, and the tip will probably heal just fine.  He used dissolving sutures so she won’t have to have them removed.  Charlotte watched the whole procedure, and was very still and quiet.

The discharge papers classify it as "Near Amputation Digit; Fracture of Phalanx of Finger".

**End Grizzly Details**

When everything was done, she said, "I have no more hurt thumb."  They put a big blue bandage on her, gave her some antibiotics, and sent us home.  Once we were on our way, she perked right up.  We had a story, a hug, and a prayer, and she’s asleep in bed.  I’ll delay piano lessons for approximately four weeks.

2008-12-02 Charlotte at the hospital 002