Isaac and Charlotte Meet Some Animals

Omniture gave us some passes to Thanksgiving Point as part of the company party we had last week, so we took the toads up.  Isaac was a little scared of the dinosaurs (I probably shouldn’t have told him they eat children), but Charlotte had no fear.  Isaac kept reminding us that the dinosaurs were dead, so they were not hungry.  I was pretty impressed at the displays; lots of good specimens.  We were a little rushed going through; on the one hand, the kids got a little bored, and on the other, Isaac would get a little scared sometimes.

After the dinosaurs, we went over to Farm Country.  This gave the kids a chance to see some goats, horses, llamas, cows, and chickens.  No pigs, though?  Some farm!  A cow licked Charlotte, and they both got to ride ponies.  Isaac cut a fine figure on his steed; maybe instead of building him a computer I should buy him some cows to herd.  Speaking of cows, Charlotte managed to get licked by one. 

Our last stop was the children’s garden, which was just ok.  They did have a couple of little fountains that the kids played in.  They’re the kind that sort of pop up from the ground randomly; Charlotte was looking at the hole for one, and got the whole thing right in the face.  She’s a trooper, though; she shook it right off.

Anyway, pictures below:

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