Bambi vs. Godzilla by David Mamet

Time for another book review.  I’m not sure how I stumbled on this particular book, but it’s a very interesting look at the film industry.  It’s a quick read, in an engaging style, and has some great thoughts about the nature of drama and what’s wrong with movies in America.  Mamet describes the process of storytelling succinctly: "Once upon a time, and then one day, and just when everything was going so well, when just at the last minute, and they all lived happily ever after.  Period." 

For a guy like me who isn’t necessarily into movies, it’s a look at the interactions between producers, writers, directors, actors, and the guys doing the grunt work on the sets. 

The book also helped me crystallize what makes a good film.  I’m notoriously picky about what I like, and wind up keeping my opinions to myself.  I’ve been told I don’t make much sense in the movies I don’t like (example: Forrest Gump) and the movies I do like (example: Starship Troopers).  Well, I know what I like, and now I know a little better why I like what I like. 

Anyway, great read.  Pick it up using the link below.

Bambi vs. Godzilla: On the Nature, Purpose, and Practice of the Movie Business (Vintage)