
First of all, I don’t know if Zach’s blog post really counts as being tagged and considering that his being tagged is questionable, I figure I can pick and choose the questions I want to answer and since I’ve enjoyed some of the other tagged posts I’ve read I stole some questions from them:

This post was too long so you’ll have to click to read more!


4 jobs I’ve had

  1. Taught school (in a Jr. High Special Ed)
  2. Worked as a Communication Disorder Specialist (in an Elementary school)
  3. Worked at eBay
  4. "Captain" for BYU Catering (Zach still teases me about napkin folding)

4 TV shows (that I will admit to liking)

  1. The Office
  2. Lost (have you ever noticed that you sound retarded trying to explain what happened on an episode of Lost?)
  3. Seinfeld
  4. 24 (although either the last season wasn’t as good, or I just hate watching a season when I actually have to wait a week between each show–I watched the first seasons on DVD)

4 favorite foods is so mood based that I refuse to answer this one.  I can tell you that in my first trimester of pregnancy I always like juice drinks and veggie sandwiches.  In my last trimester I always want red meat, beyond that my faves can change from day to day.

4 Favorite restaurants

  1. Carrabas
  2. Happy Sumo (it took Zach years to convince me to try sushi and turns out I actually really like it)
  3. Cafe Rio or Costa Vida (their pork salad tastes the same and that’s what I like)
  4. Taco Bell (maybe I just can’t think of anything else right now, but for a late night treat on a Friday or Saturday night one of us sometimes sneaks away after the kids are in bed and we watch a show and I eat a cruchwrap supreme and smile)

Places to visit, I can’t really write this in a list.  My first choices are always to see my family (especially my dear mother in Ohio).  If I ever satiated on that I might want to go somewhere exciting, but not too hot.

I also don’t want to answer movies.  I can be ultra critical of movies at times, yet I’ll watch dumb movies and enjoy them.

4 most important things (that I can think of at the moment)

  1. Family (I could cop out like Zach and list them, then be done)
  2. God (I know, maybe this should be first, but I’m just not that good)
  3. A perfectly organized house (I really should stop worrying about this, with three kids I may drive myself insane)
  4. Food including chocolate (need I say more)

8 things that happened yesterday (in the order that my brain works) (link to where the next several questions came from)

  1. held a baby
  2. watched BYU win
  3. changed diapers
  4. had dessert with my new fantastic neighbors
  5. discussed the details of a blind date I’m plotting for
  6. Heidi

  7. spent time with my incredible in-laws
  8. hugged my kids
  9. fed the baby multiple times

8 things on my wish list (once again in the order that my brain works)

  1. a roomba and a scuba
  2. something that will do my laundry for me (I actually used to enjoy folding laundry because it was an excuse to watch a show, but now I have way too much of it)
  3. a finished basement (with guest bedroom)
  4. my mom living nearby
  5. to be able to eat out whenever I want and be able to afford it
  6. Krista to live close to me for the rest of her natural life
  7. my in-laws to continue to live close
  8. to have a nice figure without eating right or exercising

Ok, I do wish for other long term things like for my kids to always stay close to me and to the gospel and for my hubby and I to be eternally in love and never argue but my brain thought of those other things first so that’s what I typed.

8 things I look forward to (in the order that my brain works)

  1. continuing to watch my kids learn and grow
  2. not changing diapers everyday
  3. seeing my kids have their own kids (after temple marriages, ideally)
  4. spending time with my mom
  5. going on a mission with my husband
  6. having my house paid off and all debts paid
  7. a snack (I’m starting to feel hungry)
  8. one-on-one time with my kids (thanks to a wonderful mother-in-law that watches the other kids so that I can do this regularly)

6 Quirky things about myself (I really enjoyed the ones I read)

  1. I can’t stand the way wool feels.  It gives me the chills.  I don’t even like to touch Zach’s wool blankets.
  2. If I wear long sleeves on anything but a coat, I always roll up (or bunch up) my sleeves.  I’m generally comfortable when other people are cold and hot when other people are comfortable so whenever I wear something long sleeved, I always have the sleeves rolled up within an hour of putting it on.  Sometimes I’ll unroll the sleeves multiple times in an attempt to wear them the intended way, but it never lasts.
  3. I have to wear socks all the time (except the shower, I’m not nuts).  I think my feet feel really dry without socks on.  It feels like the carpet pulls all of the moisture out and If I’m outside, I fret about stepping on rocks if my feet are bare (we had to cross our driveway to get to the yard back in Ohio and I think this is somehow related).
  4. I am addicted to lotion.  I keep multiple bottles in my house and have to use it throughout the day and especially when I fold laundry or after I get my hands wet.  If I’m somewhere and I feel the need to have lotion and don’t have it I keep my hands in fists as much as possible and try to figure out where I can find lotion.
  5. I sort.  I don’t know how else to title this.  When I eat M&Ms I sort them first or make sure there’s as close to an even number of each color as possible while I eat them.  When I put the children’s colored cups away after they’re washed I put them in color patterns, I’ll even intersperse newly washed ones with the ones already in the cupboard to make the pattern look better.  If I build with the kids, I try to use only one color of blocks at the time in a symmetrical design.
  6. I can’t stand to be hot.  When I’m too hot I think about it constantly and can’t get it out of my mind.  I even fret about being hot or situations where I might be too hot.

The following people can consider themselves tagged:

  1. Heidi  (another idea for your NaBloPoMo)
  2. Barbara (because I don’t call you enough and it might give me some good ideas for your Christmas present, I know it doesn’t really fit with your blog theme)
  3. Bethani (because I don’t know you as well as I should)

(Since I cherry-picked what I wanted to answer, those who have been tagged can do the same)