Charlotte’s Birthday Party

12.16.08 Charlotte's party (9)After being invited to several birthday parties for three-year-olds this year, I decided to bite the bullet and try hosting one for Charlotte.  This is the first birthday party I’ve thrown and after all the time I spent planning it, I know why many parents decide to wait a few years!  We had three 2 1/2 year olds, two 3 year olds, a 4 year old and a one year old for a total of 7 children, but it went really well. 

I had activities to fill the entire time, so it went by fast and we didn’t have to get out toys to entertain the kids.  Here is the list of activities:

1. Stories and songs (I read "Happy Birthday Moon" and "Snow Day")

2. Fishing snack (cream cheese with blue food coloring in a bowl and goldfish crackers around the side, the kids dipped celery sticks in the cream cheese then "caught fish" with the cream cheese coated celery)

3.  Watermelon caterpillar snack (I set the timer for 3 minutes to see  who could build the fastest watermelon caterpillar with toothpicks and watermelon balls, then they ate them)

4.  Picture treasure hunt (They raced around to find envelops with clues.  The clues were a few lines of rhyming text and a picture of where they’d find the next clue, at the end of the treasure hunt were birthday cupcakes)

5.  Sing Happy Birthday, Blow out candles, Eat cupcakes, Open presents

6.  Ice cream game (I checked out a game from PERC where they had to find matching ice cream pictures)

7.  Dancing to Christmas Music and playing with balloons while moms arrived and children left.