Happy Birthday Zachary!!

Scan10007 Today Zach is 32 years old.  Next week we will celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary.  Tonight as I reflect over the years we’ve spent together I’m grateful for the man that Zach has become. 

I admire his Zest for learning. He’s always reading and studying one subject or  another.  He’s incredibly smart and has an answer for almost any question I ask.  He can talk intelligently on almost any subject (he claims to know just enough to sound intelligent, but I think he’s just being modest).  I always thought I had a fairly good vocabulary, but Zach’s vocabulary is much broader and deeper than mine.  He is really good at defining words and spelling them and he’s much better at grammar than me (I still don’t completely understand the uses of the semicolon).  I’ve heard that he’s also very good at diagramming a sentence, but I don’t know exactly what that means.Zach and Kathleen

He has a good head for music, although he laments that he is out of practice on everything.  I wish I had some of his musical ability.  When I did try out an instrument or two back in school, I didn’t have the commitment or the musical background to succeed at them and I quickly quit.

Zach has a good sense of humor.  He sometimes makes the best jokes, and it makes me smile.

Where I tend to be stingy, particularly when money is involved, Zach is generous.  He is always willing to give to others and he has a compassionate heart.  11.19.05 Ike and ZachHis philosophy is to "Cast your bread upon the water.  . . " and as you do, you find out that you have enough for yourself as well.  When he knows that a family member is having a hard time, his heart goes out to  them and he wants to be with them to comfort and help.

I admire his knowledge of the scriptures and of history.  I know whenever there’s a question relating to historical events or scriptural knowledge in Sunday School that Zach knows the answer even if no-one else does and I’ve never been aware of a time that he didn’t know. 

I admire the way he accepts less than ideal situations sometimes in callings and other things, 12.14.08 Zach, Isaac, and Charlotte (3)and he has a mature attitude about them.  He respects authority even when he disagrees with it.  He sustains his leaders in spite of their flaws.

Of all the things I appreciate about my husband, one of the things I appreciate most is that he’s a good dad.  I appreciate when he takes over with the kids and reads stories to them or takes a child who is having a rough time into his arms and helps him or her calm down.  He’s a kind and thoughtful dad who loves his children and they love him. 

Zach, I’m lucky to be your wife!  Have a great birthday!