Zach’s Bible Hour

I thought I might experiment with putting some of my thoughts from my study out on the blog.  I don’t know if this will be a frequent practice or not, but I think maybe writing out what I’m thinking will be helpful.  I hope it doesn’t seem preachy; my intent is to just sort my thoughts out and maybe start some discussion. 

We had Elder Wood of the Seventy for our Stake Conference this week, and I was very moved by the talks he gave and the scriptures he shared.  My notes led me tonight to Ephesians 4, most commonly cited for its support of the 6th Article of Faith.  There are some critical key phrases here for the times we live in, however: “vanity of their mind”, “understanding darkened”, “ignorance”, “blinded”, “alienated”, “past feeling”, “deceitful lusts”. 

How much of that can apply to the response to the church’s support of Proposition 8?  And for our part, how do we respond?  See verses 31 and 32:

31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and aanger, and clamour, and bevil cspeaking, be put away from you, with all dmalice
32 And be ye akind one to another, tenderhearted, bforgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.

I’ve always found the doctrine in the epistles comes thick and fast.  I have to slow down my reading and think about one small section at a time.  Taken as a whole, though, Ephesians 4 and 5 have some of the finest instruction on how to be a good Saint in the middle of the culture war. 

The other part of Ephesians 4 that relates directly to the Prop 8 controversy regards the familiar verses, 11-14.  We’re blessed to have men like President Monson, who stands as a watchmen to lift a warning voice.  Thus we’re not “. . .carried about with every wind of doctrine. . .”, but we have a prophet who “. . .[speaks] the truth in love. . .”

I may have some thoughts from my notes about the word “temperance” in the future. 

I’d welcome any comments or discussion.

One comment

  • Sarah

    That’s a huge topic for me to comment on… I have such vibrant opinions on the matter. In the scriptures, the people always cast out the prophets and such things when they don’t want to hear it.
    When you believe in a God that is the same yesterday, today and forever, the world’s everchanging opinion shouldn’t make you turn against your north star.
    When you feel very strong about something it can be hard to peacefully defend yourself, especially when the opposition isn’t behaving peacefully; however, Charity never faileth.
    I would say to all of those who have a testimony of the divinity and truth of the gosel and yet some how still fight against the prophet’s direction, remember the shame Peter felt when he heard the cock crow.
    We all have tendencies and passions to bridle in our earthly test. God will not deny man any happiness, it is his work and glory to bring happiness and eternal life to man. I have experienced the greatest joy in life in raising my son. He will not deny these things to those who stand by Him and follow Him. The scriptures are clear enough on the matter of homosexuality.
    We even have the prophet as a mouthpiece for God in these days to watch over us so we won’t be blown by every wind of doctrine the world comes up with.