Elementary School, Part 2

I had Mrs. Moyer for third grade and then again for third/fourth split.    She was my group shot-1favorite teacher and I think I may have been her favorite student. At one point I got a C on my report card and I think she didn’t want me to feel bad about it because she gave me a Bernstein Bears Calendar for having ‘the highest C average.’ Ironically, I don’t think she gave out gifts to the students who got all As and Bs. One day she told me that she was impressed with how I had overcome my learning disability. She said something like “If I hadn’t looked in your records, I wouldn’t have known you had a learning disability.” Mrs. Moyer was unique in many ways. After lunch she would have one student read at her desk while she walked around giving us back and shoulder massages. in front of the house-1She also had a big jar of peanuts on her desk that she’d give out as rewards. I remember my favorite part of the peanut was the salted peanut shell. Later in life when I had salted peanut shells, I was surprised to find that they weren’t nearly as good as I had remembered them. One time, Mrs. Moyer brought in a wheat grinder and we ground our own wheat and made fresh bread in class. I also remember her giving the class the deodorant lecture in our reading circles. I don’t remember how she said it, but I do remember her saying that some of us were starting to stink and that it was time for deodorant. For some reason, I picture a sweaty tall boy named Cory at the table and thinking that he was the one who needed deodorant.

In fifth grade I had Mrs. Thom (at least I think that’s how you spell her name). She had short blondish hair and she was an older lady. I honestly don’t remember much about her or my seventh grade teacher, Mr. Zirger. All I can remember about him is that he was male and had a mustashe. He may have had reddish brown hair.

Read Part One