My Best-est Friend

my family 5 kids (2)There’s some unspoken rule where you’re not  allowed to say which of your children is your favorite or which of your siblings is your favorite—I guess I’m breaking that rule now.  (I honestly couldn’t really say which kid is my favorite, but that’s a tangent).

Krista and I have been really good friends for most of our lives.  We shared a single bed  when we were kids, although now I can’t really remember when that started or why—she did have her own bed. 

When I went away to college, we didn’t talk much for several years, but for the last 7 years, we have been the best of friends.  During her first image1few years of college, I visited her apartment all the time and I would regularly pick her up to do laundry at my house and go grocery  shopping.  We had the best time together.  We’d laugh and talk and spend hours together.  My time with her was the highlight of my week.  One time we tried putting highlights in our hair together and they turned out terrible.  We had to go buy some hair dye right away to fix it. 

Krista has always been a wonderful aunt to my kids and they all adore her.  When I went back to school, she watched Isaac on the days that my mother-in-law couldn’t (every Wednesday morning) and grew to love him so much that she told me that she was afraid that she wouldn’t love her own kids as much as she loved Isaac.  When she had her first child, she discovered just how wrong she was (Krista is a fantastic mother, by the way).

This last year we tried to spend as much time together as possible, sometimes to the image2 annoyance of our husbands.  We knew our time together was limited because we wouldn’t always live close.  We’ve become even closer over the last year and I hope we always stay that way.  Krista is the one I call when I’m feeling sad, or lonely, or bored.  I call her when one of my kids does something really funny. . .or bad.  We laugh about our past and our present and remember childhood together.

Today, Krista moved to Kentucky and she will probably never live close to me again.  I knew this would happen eventually and I don’t think I would ever have been ready for it to happen, but I’m sad about it now.  I’ll still call her whenever I want to and we’ll share pictures and stories of our kids, but It’ll be sad not to be able to go to the park and talk as our kids play or just take a break from everything together. . .


  • krista

    it’s true, I am the best. . . I’d forgotten about the hilights! those were bad! I am still not believing that I’ve moved away. . . lame! we’ll have to make a special effort to visit lots and figure this out!

  • Anonymous

    That is very sweet- do you remember when we called Krista sporky pudgekinds and you left me her in your senior will?