We’re having a . . . .

Today was my ultrasound and of course the big news is  we’ll be having another girl.  I’m always amazed at all the different things that they can see and measure and I can happily report that she passed every test and measurement.  Our fourth child now holds the record for giving the doctor the hardest time and for providing us with the worst ultrasound pictures.


I created my own little personal record as well with this one.  At Charlotte’s ultrasound I was scolded for not filling my bladder well enough so I was a little over anxious to be prepared for this one.  The doctor’s instructions tell you to drink 4-5 glasses of water 45 minutes before the appointment.  In all my prep for the babysitter, I almost forgot to drink my water and remembered just as the time showed 45 minutes till my appointment.  At this point I already felt a need to empty my bladder, but I didn’t want to repeat my mistake so I chugged as much water as I could stand to drink and continued to sip water as we drove to the office.  By the time we got there my need to pee was becoming uncomfortable.  The doctor was running behind so I did my best to distract my mind from my bladder as I waited, it didn’t work.  By the time I went in for my appointment, I could hardly walk and I started to have a real concern that I would not be able to prevent myself from wetting my pants.  He took one look at my bladder and announced that I was such an overachiever that I was giving myself Braxton Hicks contractions from the fullness of my bladder.  Thankfully he didn’t poke my bladder too much before releasing me to go to the bathroom and I made it safely there without wetting myself.


  • Kathleen,

    First off, congrats! That bladder part is hillarious! Maybe more so to me because I did almost the exact same thing w/ Chelsea. The ultra sound technician even called me a “bladder overachiever”, sound familiar? Ehehe. I was soooo grateful to get to the bathroom!

    Is your family coming to the reunion? Hopefully we will see you there!


  • Jeni-

    By reunion you mean the O’Bryant picnic in Lindon right? We’re planning on attending that.
