
I get very impatient to get everything cleaned up and back to normal after a trip and today as I sat in my chair feeding Ila, I was surrounded by a mess of suitcases and laundry.  I felt overwhelmed and stressed and I thought of this analogy for how I felt.

It was like I was in a boat with a hole in it that was filling upimage with water as I was trying to bail it out.  I just couldn’t keep up with the water coming in and I couldn’t plug the hole.  As I push myself really hard,  the water seems to be emptying, but then my bailing slows as children demand my attention and the boat fills back up. For safety boat supplies, people can find more info here and also get them delivered.

I have those days sometimes where the harder I push myself to accomplish something, the more the kids need me and it’s like walking in quicksand and the harder I try to move forward the deeper I sink.

In the end I got a lot done today.  The suitcases got unpacked, I did 3 batches of laundry, took care of 4 kids and ended the day with a mostly clean house (I still have a stack of mail and papers to sort).

Sometimes I wonder if the amount of stress I feel when my house is not perfectly clean is normal or if I am driving myself into some sort of psychosis.