Ila update

Six months old seems like the turning point for so many things.  I started Ila on solids which she hated initially.  6.29.10 Ila (5)She had the worst reaction of any of my kids.  She’d scream every time I tried to give her a bite and stop screaming when I was not trying to feed her solids.  I contemplated putting the pureed green beans away and trying again when she was older, but luckily I kept at it.  It took about 2 weeks of offering her green beans every day before she started eating them happily.  I kept her on green beans for a few days after she started liking them before introducing her second food, peas.  Now she’s on her 3rd day of peas and seems to have taken to them more quickly.  Now she seems to enjoy solids and eats about 2 teaspoons 3 times a day.  I also put her in a booster seat a few days ago and she did just fine.  Since then she has taken all her meals in it and sometimes plays with toys or bangs the tray while I make dinner.

She’s become quite good at rolling over and can surprise me with how quickly she moves from one place to another.  She’s much happier playing with toys on the floor than she was even a few weeks ago.

She has started sitting and can sit without support, although it usually doesn’t take long before she topples over and she cannot get back into sitting position on her own.  Here’s a little video I took yesterday:

She outgrew the baby bath.  She’s a small baby and still fits in the bath, however she tries to sit up and it’s just not made for that.  I switched her over to this bath support and she does great in it.  She doesn’t need any additional support.6.29.10 IlaShe also has an adorable closed mouth smile.  Every time I try to take a picture of it, it changes into a big mouth smile or shocked camera face.  This was the best I could do:6.25.10 Ila Jane (1) We have mostly taken away her pacifier.  I keep one in the diaper bag that I often find attached to her bib when I pick her up from the childcare at the gym.  I never use it at home, but I did use it on Sunday when Zach was on the stand for the first time and I was by myself with the kids.  Incidentally, I tried giving her a bottle on Sunday at church and she would not drink it, she only drinks her milk right from the source.

One comment

  • Erin

    she is soooo cute and i can’t believe she’s 6 months old already!! for some reason, i keep thinking owen is way older than her, but they are only 4 months apart. my, where has the time gone??