
Nicole has been walking into the living room wearing other people’s shoes so frequently, that I thought she might enjoy playing with the dress-ups.

She put everything she could possibly put on, notice how she is trying to pick up a 3rd glove to put on.6.30.10 Dress-ups (3)Once she was all decked out, she didn’t smile and dance around, she just started playing blocks with everything on as if nothing was out of the ordinary.6.30.10 Dress-ups (11)Charlotte put on her ballet slippers and picked up two purses and announced that she was “a mom with slippers on.”  I was proud that she dressed up as a mom instead of a princess. 6.30.10 Dress-ups (17) Then she was a mom with a tail.6.30.10 Dress-ups (15) Isaac put on a tiger hat and tail and he was done.6.30.10 Dress-ups (19) Even Ila participated, although not really by choice.6.30.10 IlaThe End