Isaac’s Soldering Project

Zach’s sister Bethani sent a little soldering project for Isaac’s birthday.  Isaac loves building and creating things, so he was thrilled.  It inspired him to start collecting odds and ends which he wants to build into a robot one day.  Here are some pictures of Zach and Isaac working on Isaac’s project:

8.3.12 Sodering project (3)Zach ended up doing the actual soldering part since he wasn’t quite ready to let Isaac work with such dangerous equipment.8.3.12 Sodering project (1)8.3.12 Sodering project (9)Here’s what they made:8.3.12 Sodering project (10)It’s a name tag that with LEDs that light up to spell Isaac’s name.  He can push the button on the front to turn it on and then modulate which LEDS light up.

One comment

  • Do you know where Bethani got the kit? Mason would LOVE something like that! The only soldering he does is removing pieces from circuit boards. I haven’t found any smaller soldering projects for him yet. Man, Isaac and Mason would really get along well! We’re going to be back West at Christmas time and are planning a visit up to see Grandma–will you be around that we could stop and visit?