Haircuts for Nicole and Ila

Nicole cut her own hair last week:IMG_9236

Which prompted me to schedule a haircut for her.  While I was at it, I scheduled one for Ila who had never had a haircut from a professional.

Nicole before:IMG_9284During:IMG_9293After:IMG_9326IMG_9297About a month ago I suggested Ila get her haircut and she refused, insisting “I’m too small for a haircut” (it sounded really cute and funny in her little voice).  She surprised me this time when I suggested a haircut and she responded that she was now “big enough” for a haircut.  She was very excited for her haircut.

Ila before (with bonus, unintentional ‘duck face’):IMG_9287IMG_9289During (she was so shy, she didn’t want to look at or talk to her stylist):IMG_9294After:IMG_9297Nicole and Ila before and after:IMG_9282IMG_9300

One comment

  • Bethani

    I can hear Ila’s cute little voice and adore that unintentional fabulous duck face!! Looks like they both enjoy their new ‘dos! Too cute! Love them!