Isaac’s 9th Birthday

Isaac’s 9th birthday was on a Monday (June 17th).  After a special breakfast, I gave him some new jeans and he opened a card from Grandma Bunny which contained birthday money.  He spent the rest of the morning researching Nerf guns that he could buy with his birthday money.  He collected all the money from his room and talked his sister, Charlotte, into contributing her money so that he’d have enough for the Nerf gun he wanted.

Then, i sent him off to school.  I picked him up for lunch and took him to taco time.  He loved their fancy soda machine.  He had a beef burrito, nachos, and a raspberry sprite.Photo: Birthday lunch with my oldest kid.

When we got back to class, we distributed cupcakes to his class and to the office staff at the school:P6177487While he was at school, I took the money he had collected and bought him the Nerf gun that he wanted.  It was waiting for him on the fire place when he got home from school.  He was very excited.

For dinner, he choose McDonald’s with a play place.P6177498His Grandma Bunny even bought him some strawberry ice cream:P6177517After dinner, he opened presents (you can see his fancy new Nerf gun in the background):P6177526We used G-chat to include his Cochran grandparents, aunts, and uncle in the birthday song:P6177531P6187543He started building his new Lego set while we put the girls to bed.  Once they were in bed, we left Grandma Bunny in charge and took him to see his Great-Grandma in the hospital (she had planned to come over for cupcakes, but obviously couldn’t make it).P6177537We bought him a strawberry cheesecake shake on the way home.  He finished building his Lego set in his bed (he thought he was being sneaky, but really his parents were just giving him a break since it was his birthday.)