Week One of March 2015

March started off with Red Ribbon Week.  The first day was Hawaiian day and the girls looked so cute with big flowers in their hair that I had to take pictures.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

A cold snap meant we couldn’t move our starts outside, so we transplanted them and put them by a window.  Unfortunately one day when I was making dinner, Thomas started digging and destroyed some of our plants.


I can’t bake without helpers.  We made Zach’s favorite pumpkin raisin cookies.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACrazy hair day:

I love her beautiful face:

Nicole thought she looked like an alien, she was pleased with that.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIla wanted me to take a picture of her as well.  She’s had a cold, you can tell by her chapped lips.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Nicole refers to all her stuffed animals as her friends.  She set them all up to read a book in a chair.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Next came SuperHero Day.  We had to improvise.  Nicole’s paper emblem was shaped like a heart because she’s “super loving.”

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Family was invited to come for lunch on SuperHero Day, so I brought the whole crew.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

I experimented with my first batch of dried apples.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe kids LOVED them.  They ate them for breakfast, packed them in their lunches and brought some to school to share with friends.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

I found this in Charlotte’s backpack.  Is this what passes for a love note in the third grade?  It’s a times table from a boy in Charlotte’s class.