Tag Archives: funny quotes

Stop Drinking!

Isaac loves to read.  He enjoys reading books in bed, 10.24.10 Snuggiesreading scriptures at night with the family and pretty much any words he sees.  He has started reading billboards and signs everywhere we go.  He’ll read the name of a restaurant or other such place and ask me what it is or say something like “what does see red, save green mean.”  Our most interesting billboard conversation to date was on Sunday when he saw a sign that said “Stop Drinking.”  He didn’t understand why they would want people to stop drinking and thought it meant to stop drinking anything (including milk and water).  This sparked a rather lengthy conversation where I described all the ill affects of drinking alcohol and  tried to be as honest as I could and he asked a lot of good questions like “why would anyone want to drink that” and “do you know anyone who drinks alcohol.” 


Zach: There’s a bus coming

Isaac: If it’s 279 don’t hit it. . . Actually, if it’s going out to pick up kids or coming back from the school full of kids don’t hit it either.


Charlotte (after learning about/eating a fortune cookie): I knew they had cookies, but I didn’t know they had cookies that could tell the future.

Out of the mouths of Isaac and Charlotte:

Charlotte announced one morning that she had three dreams last night.  One was good and two were bad.  The bad dream was that ants would turn her socks into “sticky socks.”  The good dreams were (1) watching something change colors that is not sticky and (2) sleeping in a downstairs room.4921775489_3d381973ff_b

One day Isaac excitedly proclaimed “My reading skills almost go the whole way!”

Charlotte has been telling me that she’s growing up.  One day she was so convinced that her growth was obvious that she told me Dad would say “Oh Charlotte, you’re growing up.” when he saw her after work.  The other day she said “Mom, you’re growing up.  You’re growing up to be a grandma!”

Charlotte announced:  “When I grow up, I will be a mommy and I will have 4 kids.  I will name the first  one Isaac and I will name one Charlotte and Charlotte will be first, but not very first.”

Charlotte Quote

For some reason, Charlotte has advanced the following theory more than once, but this last time that she said it, I wrote it down (maybe two weeks ago).

“Ila thought I was a boy when she was in your tummy and when she was born and saw me walking, she was so happy to see I was a girl!”

7.3.10 matching shirts (3)

The Trophy Giver

Charlotte dubbed herself “The Trophy Giver.”   She was building with blocks and built a  trophy for me.  I asked her what it was for and she said it was for “cleaning up.”  Then she asked me to make trophies with her. IMG_0637 I made a yellow one which she said was for Ila for “wiggling.”  A blue and green one was for Isaac for “playing games.”  A red one had to be for grandma, even though grandma says her favorite color is blue-green, Charlotte knows it’s really red.  She said that Grandma’s trophy was for “doing all the things that she does”.  She also said that “when Grandma gets tired of doing all the things that she does then she would have to sleep.”  Grandpa’s trophy was for “all the time he is with grandma.”  Later she put the trophies for Grandma and Grandpa together and said that the trophy was “for both of them for all the time they spend together.  Dad’s trophy was for playing more games than Isaac and she gave herself a trophy for someone who likes pink.

As we skyped she said she would give Aunt Hedi a trophy for something but I can’t remember what it was, I just remember that it was amusing.  She thought Aunt Laresa should have a trophy for being good and Aunt Bethani would have a trophy for being happy and having orange hair.

Charlotte Quotes and a Story

“I have a frown because I have my favorite cup, but not my favorite, favorite cup.”

“Do you know that carrots like to be food?” (the picture below is of a carrot on a toothpick, referred to by Charlotte as a “Carrot Popsicle”)6.17.10 Isaac's Birthday (59)Last week we were at the park for a High Priest social, when Charlotte announced that she had to go.  I took her to the bathroom and then decided that I should go as well.  Unfortunately, I neglected to notice that there was no toilet paper in my stall until it was too late.  I called to Charlotte and asked for some toilet paper.  She passed the most pathetic single ply I had ever seen under the stall to me.  So I asked for more.  Again she sent one little single ply.  So I told her that I needed 5 pieces of toilet paper.  She sent back one ply ripped into 5 pieces!  Thanks Charlotte!

Raccoon Seals!

Isaac ran in suddenly from riding his bike and announced that “it looks like black bear  weather!”  He asked if he still needed to put his bike away since black bears might5.2.10 Sunday Morning (6) come.  When I told him he should, he wanted Charlotte to come with him to protect him.  After coming in, he remembered that he had left the garage open and asked if he should close it real quick so black bears don’t come in, then he asked Charlotte to come with him to keep him safe again. 

The next thing I know, he’s talking about “raccoon seals.”  Here are a few quotes I pulled out of a long avalanche of words that he said in relation to “raccoon seals”:

"a raccoon seal is a tiger that can go anywhere"
"raccoon seals can’t eat through windows but they can open doors that are not locked"
"these tigers are used to eating people up"
"it’s the weather for them right now"
"they’re all crowding up to the houses to try to get in"
"but they don’t want people to see that they’re there"
"do you know that they even have crazy striped wings that are colored orange and white"

*The picture has nothing to do with the story except that it is a recent picture of Isaac and I couldn’t exactly cut Ila out of the picture, so there she is.

What if. . .

Yesterday Isaac was in one of his creative moods.  3.17.09 Isaac (6)This means he gets an idea and wants to talk about it. . .continuously.  He’s gone on for hours at a time, following me around the house as I do chores.  Here are the lines that I wrote down from today’s brainstorming session.  "What if all the air was drained out of the world?  Would we ask Heavenly Father to put more air in the world?. . . I know, the fan in the bathroom!!  The fan in the bathroom could blow air into the world.  Then we would fix the problem?  That air was all stinky–that’s why we had to blow it all out. . . would Heavenly Father make a fan that didn’t need electricity and leave it at that Temple that we go-ed to so that we could get it?"

The strange and funny things that little mouths say

2.22.09 "The new Grandma sings!" Charlotte upon hearing her grandma Bunny sing to Nicole2.20.09 Isaac and Charlotte (8)

2.28.09  If Nicole spits up ever again, you should hold her over the toilet so the spit up will go into the toilet. Then Nicole would ask "where is my spit up?"  Isaac

After reading Richard Scary’s Busy, Busy Town, Charlotte wants to be a cat with clothes on that talks and she wants to build a house for walking babies, like Paul, and Isaac wants to grow his own wheat so that he can harvest it, grind it into flour and then make bread with it.

3.1.09 Isaac was helping me build a dresser when I discovered a few pieces were missing.  I said I was going to sweep the floor to see if I could find the missing pieces.  He said in essence, you don’t need to look I’ll just go pray for Heavenly Father to help us find it.  He ran into the living room, knelt said "Thank thee that we can find the missing pieces." then ran back in and said "They’re on their way!"

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Isaac Quotes

“I would like my own pet ant and I could open up it’s cage and put it in the bath and it would swim.” Isaac
“Mom, is Orem attached to Provo with screws?” Isaac

Amber Alert

As we were watching a pre-recorded episode of Sesame Street today an Amber Alert came on.  I explained to Isaac that a girl was missing .  1.12.09 Isaac and Charlotte (5)Isaac ran to the window to look  for her.  When he didn’t see her he asked if this was happening in ‘our world.’  I told him that it was and saw an opportunity for a teaching moment.  I explained to him that the girl had gone outside without her mom or dad so now she was lost.  As the show progressed I left the room and soon the alert was repeated.  Isaac ran to me saying “mom, mom!  The words are back on!”  He was concerned that she hadn’t been found yet.  When Zach came into the room shortly afterwards Isaac said “Dad!  A girl went outside without her mom and dad and now she’s lost!”  Isaac asked if a police car would find her and tell her to go home.  After not seeing her out the window again, he instructed the cat ,who was sitting at the window, to ‘meow’ if he sees the missing girl so that we can call to police to take her home.


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Miscellaneous Cat

Isaac saw this kitten through the glass door in the kitchen and asked if he could pet it.  I P1030956 told him it wasn’t a good idea since we didn’t know the cat.  He told me that he wanted to name the cat Eustace.  I said ok.  He asked "now I pet the cat?  Because now I know the cat."  The cat looked friendly.  It was rubbing up against the glass and was not frothing at the mouth, so I let him go outside to pet the cat.  He said "Mom, lets show that cat how I ride my bike."    Since we had to leave soon I dissuaded him from that idea and we went inside.  His next comment was "that cat is cold, we should use my map book to take the cat to it’s home"  (his map book is a small Rand McNally road map of each of the United States).

Here’s an unrelated question from a few moments later:  "Mom, is a hospital a kind of dentist?"  This comment is way out in left field, we hadn’t been talking about hospitals or dentists.

The penetrating message of President-Elect Obama

On election day we walked in the house after voting and Isaac announced with great concern that "the naughty don’t want Obama to vote." We’re not Obama supporters and 11.2.08 Isaac-1we haven’t really been talking politics much around the kids (that I can think of) or listening to much political stuff so I was surprised by the comment.  The next day at the library he pulled a book off the shelf about Kwanzaa, when I asked if he wanted a book on Christmas, he said "no" and insisted we check out the Kwanzaa one.  Are these unrelated? Or has Obama somehow gotten his message to the white 4-year olds from Utah demographic.

Here’s an unrelated but amusing election day quote from Isaac:

I let Isaac and Charlotte help me vote by pushing the correct buttons.  The sticker lady gave me extra stickers for Isaac and Charlotte.  After giving him his sticker, Isaac said "Nicole can’t vote because she would spit up on her sticker?"


Charlotte has become more independent in her prayers lately.  10.11.08 Charlotte (6)Instead of just repeating the same phrases over or waiting for help, she has started adding new ones.  Here are a few favorites from this week:  "Bless us to have good dreams.  Bless us to have another good dream."  "Bless that all my dreams will work."

Last week Isaac said "Thank the that I’m not worried that I’ll never see my aunt Krista again."

There are probably more amusing lines, but I can’t currently think of anymore from recent prayers.

Kindness is. . .

10.27.08 Isaac, Charlotte, Sam, and LillyWe invited our good friends the Kelsons over for family night.  The lesson was on how  Jesus taught us to be kind and love others.  I shared a story during the lesson about Jesus healing a blind man.  The lesson ended with a paper puzzle covering a picture of Jesus.  The kids were required to pick up a puzzle piece and tell one way they can be kind.  The responses were not what I expected.  Here are the ones I remember:

"not hitting"

"not punching or kicking"

"not poking"

"not making someone blind" by Isaac.  I tried to get him to come up with something you can do instead of something that you can avoid doing by saying "what if a friend was coming over?  Can you think of one thing you could do to be kind to your friend?"  His response:  "not make my friend blind."

Not exactly what I planned to teach about kindness, but an interesting view of the 4-year-old-mind.

The fun never ends. . .

P1030601So here’s a few more comments from this morning to go with last night’s post:

"It’s snowing!  It’s snowing!  It’s Christmas!!" –Isaac said this as he excitedly danced around the house just after viewing snowflakes falling this morning.

"I want stinky underwear!!!"  Charlotte cried this over and over upon having her soiled underwear changed.  Given the choice of clean underwear or a diaper she again exclaimed "I want stinky underwear!"

A fly on the wall in our house

I’m sure it’s not often the wish of many to be a fly on the wall in our house (although  Zach and Isaac (1) there have been a few flies in the house entertaining cats, but my hand-held-battery-powered-tennis-racket-shaped-fly-zapper seems to have alleviated that problem).  Here are some of the things you might have heard if you were that unzapped fly:

"All our prayers are working!"   — Isaac, after praying to find things and then finding them.

"That’s a regular baby."  — Charlotte, in reference to Nicole (she needed to differentiate Nicole from her dolls).

"The mail man sent me something to send him some mail."  — Isaac, after opening some junk mail and finding a return envelope.  Later he decided we should put a chocolate bar in the envelope and send it to Ohio for his grandma Bunny.

"it IS a night time prayer!"  — Charlotte, after thanking Heavenly Father for the food and blessing it in her bedtime prayer.  Her mother told her that she said a dinner prayer, but she insisted it was a night time prayer and continued to bless the food for several more nights.

10.3.08 Charlotte (1)"So you don’t feel smelly?  If you feel smelly you won’t give anyone food?" — Isaac, after I told him I was going to go take a shower.

"It is funny to knock over Isaac’s building"  –Charlotte, after knocking over Isaac’s building.  Isaac cried and Charlotte laughed and ran into the living room where I told her that it wasn’t funny to knock over her brother’s buildings.  She repeated this phrase a few times with such insistence that it was hard not to laugh (which might have proved her point).

"That game is for Daddies when they don’t want to play with their kids?"  –Isaac asked this question to his father who was playing a game with "boomers" in it (refer to the toddler dictionary).


This morning Isaac told me he couldn’t find his water bottle and asked if we could pray to have Heavenly Father help him.  So we said a little prayer and almost as soon as we said ‘Amen,’ he found the water bottle.  Later when he was putting on his sandals he said "Should we pray for my old sandals?  Then I could have two pairs of sandals!"9.29.08 Isaac and CharlotteI know the picture has nothing to do with the post, but I love pictures so I can’t post without one.

Preschooler’s Dictionary

Here are some definitions from my little ones:8.31.08 Isaac, Charlotte, and Nicole (5)

Hinges = elbows or knees   Context:  Just before dinner he told me that his tummy was full because elevators in his legs had carried salad up past his hinges to his tummy and filled him up.  When I told him we were having tacos, he said the elevators took the salad back down.

Mystery Symbol = question mark     Context:  While typing, Isaac asks “Mom, where’s my mystery symbol?”

The toilet’s esophagus = the part of the toilet directly below the bowl that leads down into the ground   Context:  “mom, is this the toilet’s esophagus?”

Shampoo for hands = soap  Context:  I sent Isaac in to wash his hands.  He came back  out and said “I have no shampoo for hands–that is soap.”

Crying when I’m swimming show = Olympic swimming  Context:  Charlotte has been 9.6.08 Isaac, Charlotte, and Nicole (1) enjoying the Olympics.  So far her favorite event is swimming which she called the “crying when I’m swimming show.”  As soon as they started playing the national anthem she told me that the men would start crying.

Die = kill  Context:  The light was peaking in through the blinds and making little spots of light on the ground.  Isaac started hitting the spots and saying “I’m going to die this light”

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I’m not really sure why Isaac has chosen tigers as his main fimageear, but he has.  Each night he has to check all the locks before he goes to bed to make sure tigers can’t get in (because tigers don’t have keys).  He whispers so the tigers don’t hear him until the doors are locked then he talks in a normal voice.  Here are some of the things he has said about tigers:

6.30.08 (written by Zach) The boy worried that there were tigers outside trying to get in to "die" him.  They were using ladders to come in from the sidewalk to the window.  I told him that there were no tigers in Utah, but that if there were, and they tried to get in, I would boom them with my boomer.  He asked if that would knock them over and make them say "aaah!".
Luckily, Charlotte was the voice of reason.  She told Isaac that
tigers live in the jungle, not on the sidewalk.

8.20.08  Isaac asked Heavenly Father that "the cars that drive by that are too noisy will be bitten by the tigers" in his prayer tonight.

2807509666_28437acd52_b-1 8.31.08 Isaac said he wanted a family of dogs with a mommy, a daddy, an Isaac, a Charlotte, and a Nicole dog.  I told him that most people get just one dog.  I told him that some people get a family of dogs.  He said we are some people so we will get a family.  Then he corrected himself and said that we are some people and kids.  He continued by saying that the dogs would say "woof" and scare the tigers away so the dogs could keep the cats safe.  As he continued to talk and postulate chickens were added to the equasion and he said the chickens would keep the dogs safe from tigers.  When I asked him if he wanted a pet tiger, he said yes, but it would have to be in a cage and he used his hands to describe an inner cage and an outer cage and the outer cage would have a door but the inner cage would have no door.

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