Out of the mouths of Isaac and Charlotte:

Charlotte announced one morning that she had three dreams last night.  One was good and two were bad.  The bad dream was that ants would turn her socks into “sticky socks.”  The good dreams were (1) watching something change colors that is not sticky and (2) sleeping in a downstairs room.4921775489_3d381973ff_b

One day Isaac excitedly proclaimed “My reading skills almost go the whole way!”

Charlotte has been telling me that she’s growing up.  One day she was so convinced that her growth was obvious that she told me Dad would say “Oh Charlotte, you’re growing up.” when he saw her after work.  The other day she said “Mom, you’re growing up.  You’re growing up to be a grandma!”

Charlotte announced:  “When I grow up, I will be a mommy and I will have 4 kids.  I will name the first  one Isaac and I will name one Charlotte and Charlotte will be first, but not very first.”